Friday, May 30, 2014

Pokemon Omega/Alpha Groudon And Kyogre Mega Evolution? Or Mind Control?

Witnessing the covers of the newly announced Pokemon Games Omega Ruby And Alpha Sapphire... I noticed something. That the markings on them remind me of the time Pikachu was put under mind control. He has similar markings on him. The marking of Omega. In this particular scene he used these markings to summon Groudon. Could this have something to do with the plot of the game? It was originally speculated that these new forms on the covers were Mega Evolutions, but now look like something else. It is very possible that it is just Team Magma/Aqua controlling either Groudon Or Kyorge.

If this is true then this could turn out to be an exiting Pokemon adventure, or lets say they ARE Mega Evolutions. They do not look that different from the original. Just added some markings. If they are Mega Evolutions then Nintendo has stopped getting creative. Which is unlikely. These new forms are to plain to be Mega Evolutions. In fact the only legendary that has a Mega Evolution is Mewtwo. Thats only because of him being the Most Powerful Pokemon (Next To Arceus). This is just a theory, but it might prove to be true. There is no way to be sure until the game comes out, but that would make for an interesting plot.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Indy Popcon is coming May 30 to June 1!

Its here! In Indianapolis! PopCon! (Not to be confused with the buttery snack Popcorn). A Pop Culture/Comic Book Convention showcasing various artists, games, and (of course) comics! Speaking of comics a little birdie told me (Twitter) that they are showcasing one of the most valuable comics that exists. Action Comics #1! The comic where Superman was introduced to the world. Not too much information has been released about PopCon that gives it all away, but I have managed to dig up a few things ;). Some of the information about PopCon that caught my attention was that they are teaming up with Streetpass to host a Mario Kart 7 tourney. There have also been their hints on PopCons's Twitter that they will give you some access to play Mario Kart 8 as well. 

Make sure to bring your costumes! There will be a costume contest, and many cosplaying activities. There is something special for those Minecraft fans as well! The PopCon team have made a replica of Indianapolis and they made a server to show off their mad building skills, and to show a little preview of what PopCon will be like. If you would like to check it out the server IP is IndyPopCon.TrueWorldGaming.Com (remember this is a Minecraft Server IP address it will not work if you use it as a web address). There are quite a few things to look forward to in PopCon. It is "The con to rule them all!" as I have been told. If you are looking for something to start your summer off this is the place to go! 

Friday, May 23, 2014

Pokemon Omega Ruby And Alpha Sapphire Hoenn Remakes Confirmed!

The day we have been waiting forever for! The time when they finally announce the Hoenn Remakes!!!!! On May 7, 2014 The Pokemon Company announced that the Hoenn Remakes are going to happen! They are called Omega Ruby, and Alpha Sapphire. From the few screenshots of gameplay they have given us it seems to have the graphics of X And Y.

It is believed due to the covers having different versions of Groudon and Kyogre that they have Mega Evolutions though it is not confirmed. It is very possible due to Torchic having a Mega Evolution in X And Y the Hoenn starters have Mega Evolutions as well. The only thing that we are really sure of is that it IS coming out, and its coming out sometime in November. 

 Theories aside this game has been predicted by fans for years ever since the Johto remakes of HeartGold/SoulSilver. There were many speculations about what the next game would be. Some said it was going to be a Hoenn remake, others said it was going to be a Pokemon Z. The reason for pokemon Z is that there is almost always a third game that comes out after dual Pokemon Games. For instance Red and Blue/Yellow Gold and Silver/Crystal Ruby and Sapphire/Emerald. So many people believed for it to become Pokemon Z. Now that we are sure that it is a Hoenn remake we can conclude that the long-awaited Omega Ruby And Alpha Sapphire will be well appreciated.  If you would like to see the only In-Game Footage released there is a video below.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Can Mario Kart 8 Save The Wii U?

With Wii U Sales Dropping is there hope for Nintendo? With a Mere 6.3 Million Wii U's sold Mario Kart 8 might be the thing to save them. Mario Kart Wii Sold 35 million, and Mario Kart 7 Sold 8 million. If Mario Kart 8 won't convince more people to buy a Wii U, what will? After Mario Kart 8, only one big expecting game is going to be Super Smash Bros U, but Nintendo claims to be planning a string of upcoming games that will be previewed in the E3 Expo. Will Mario Kart 8 be able so save Nintendo? In My opinion It might. 

There are probably millions of dedicated mario-karters out there who have not bought the Wii U yet. Once word gets out that Mario Kart 8 is coming around the corner for the Wii U im sure sales will go to about.... another 2 million. That should be high enough for Nintendo to turn things around. If Wii U sales don't change soon Nintendo will have to move on to another project. Im sure things will go the way they planned. With the new ability to drive on walls, and ceilings in the new Mario Kart.  Mario Kart 8 will bring Nintendo the sales they need. Then they can move on and create new, better games for the Wii U. Possibly even use the sales they got from the Wii U to make something even better.  

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

How To Get Ditto And Mewtwo In Pokemon X And Y

Ditto is a very rare Pokemon that only has one move. Transform. Transform allows Ditto to transform, and take the Moves of the Pokemon that Ditto Is battling. (This Is Similar to Zoruarks Illusion Ability only Zoruark may not take the moves of the enemy). You may find Ditto in Pokemon Village which is off route 20. This Is also the home of Mewtwo who is in the upper left hand cave. Ditto can be found in both the red, and purple flower patches. He will also appear in both X And Y versions of the game. Ditto has the lowest catch rate in the area at a 35% chance of capture.

There is the exception of Mewtwo with a capture rate of 3%, but i am leaving him out because he is a legendary. To get Mewtwo you must go to the upper left hand cave in the corner of the Pokemon Village. When you head in that direction you see that it is on top of a small hill preventing you from going in. To get on top of the hill you must go to the bottom left hand corner of the Pokemon Village. You will see a small pond. Use surf to surf upwards until you see a waterfall. Use Waterfall to scale it, and as you go forward you will land on the small hill. Then you go in the cave. You will see Mewtwo with his back turned to you. When you attempt to talk to him he turns around, and issues a battle cry. That will activate the battle sequence. Once you catch, or defeat him. He will drop (depending on what game you have) The Mewtwo X, or Y Mega Stone. You may use this to activate Mewtwos Mega Evolution.

If you would like to learn more about Pokemon their Official Website is located Here

Monday, May 19, 2014

Card Wars Mobile App for Apple, and Android Devices

Floop The Pig in the new Card Wars mobile app based on the Adventure Time Episode Card Wars. It is a futuristic board game with a holographic projector projecting the card you place down. You may either Floop the card, or attack the Enemy. Floops are special abilities that give you a slight advantage depending on what the ability is. The objective of the mobile version of the game is to attack the player enough that he will lose all of the health from his health bar. You must defeat each characters at least 3 times to move on to the next character you must fight. After you defeat all of the characters, you move on to a new area fighting the same characters only twice as hard as last time.

There are 3 ways to get new cards for your deck. The first way is defeating enemies. As you defeat other peoples cards they will sometimes drop a chest. You may tap on it to pick it up, and then if you defeat the Adventure Time character you are playing against you may open the chests to either receive a new card for your deck, or a card you may already have which will be added to your card collection to either be inserted into your deck later, or used to craft new cards. Speaking of crafting cards that is the second way to collect cards. You can merge 2 different cards that you have 2 of or you do not want into a card that you do want in the card crafting station. The third, and final way is to buy them with gems. gems are the currency in which you may buy with real money, or (very rarely) win in a game. You may use these to unlock rare cards from the Algebraic Chest. Which will give you a very rare card that you would not be able to get otherwise. 

Card Wars For IPhone, IPad, and IPod Touch: Would Be Located Here
Card Wars For Android Would Be Located Here

Friday, May 16, 2014

My Top 5 Most Anticipated Games Of 2014

NUMBER 5: Destiny 

Can Be played on Xbox 360, Xbox One, and Playstation 4. 
Destiny is an upcoming role-playing first-person shooter video game set in a mythic science fiction open world setting. Want to learn more about this sci-fi game? Check out their website HERE.

NUMBER 4: Elder Scrolls Online
May Be Played On PC, Xbox One, and Playstation 4
Elder Scrolls New Multiplayer Free-Roam game where you complete quests, and have adventures with the people of the world. To learn more about this game, or make an account for it check out the official website located HERE.

NUMBER 3: Mario Kart 8
May Be Played On The Wii U.
The New Mario Kart, with some fresh faces, and new ways of transportation. For more information head to THIS link.

NUMBER 2: Super Smash Bros U/3DS
It May be played on the following consoles: Wii U, and The 3ds.
The New Super Smash Bros Game For The next generation featuring new characters such as Mega Man, and the Wii Fit Trainer.  For more information head to THIS link.

NUMBER 1: Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare. 
This May be Played on Pc, Xbox One, and Xbox 360. 
A whole new change from a tablet drag, and drop game to a first person shooter. You may choose your side whether that will be a plant, or zombie is your choice. Protect Your Gardens!, or Destroy The Plants! For More Information Head To THIS Link