Monday, May 12, 2014

Super Mario Sunshine

FLUDD introducing himself
Super Mario Sunshine is a Mario platformer first released on July 19, 2002 for the Nintendo GameCube. It follows Super Mario 64 on one of the first third-dimension Mario Games. The game started off with a peaceful setting, showing Mario, Toadsworth, and Princess Toadstool in a plane heading towards Isle Delfino, the Pianta Paradise. Piantas are a sentient species found on Isle Delfino, and other islands around the area. Although Piantas are first shown in Super Mario Sunshine, they soon appear in future games such as Mario Kart, or Super Smash Brothers.

The scene soon changes tone as the plane starts to crash on a wharf near Isle Delfino. When Mario leaves the plane you are greeted by a huge pile of colorful slime covering the center of the wharf. I greatly liked this area for the amount of coloring, and animation for that time-period. It can be greatly compared to the Graphics of Super Mario Galaxy which follows Super Mario Sunshine. Soon after the big pile of goop they introduced F.L.U.D.D which stands for Flash Liquidizer Ultra Dousing Device.

F.L.U.D.D was created by Professor E. Gad. Which Mario can use to wash away the goop that is placed by Anti-Mario throughout the world. F.L.U.D.D has 4 Nozzles, which are the Spray, Rocket, Hover, and Turbo Nozzles. The Spray Nozzle sprays water at foes or objects. The Rocket Nozzle propels Mario upwards a great length letting him get to places that he could not go to before. The Hover Nozzle lets Mario use F.L.U.D.D as a makeshift Jetpack letting him hover high in the air making him get to high places such as roofs, or over walls. (Although it does not go as high as the Rocket Nozzle). Then there is the Turbo Nozzle which blasts Mario along bodies of water, and is capable of breaking objects.

With as many new characters introduced in Super Mario Sunshine as there was most of them became very popular in future games. A good example of this is Bowser Jr. In Super Mario Sunshine he was tricked by his father Bowser into thinking Princess Toadstool was his mother so he would capture her from “Mean Ol, Mario”. This game is highly recommended for those who have not played it, and are big fans of Mario.

Want to learn a bit more about it? Then check out the information on the Mario Wiki located HERE.

1 comment:

  1. I love super Mario 64 I think it's the best Mario game I've ever played.
