Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Broken Age Act 1 Review

Broken Age is a beautifully made Point, and Click adventure for the Computer. In the game you may move semi-freely talking to the townsfolk, and picking up items that could be useful in the future, or in Shay's case walking through a spaceship trying to find some ways to have fun in the middle of space. The Game involves two stories. Vella's, and Shay's. Vella's story is based in a nice, 18th century-ish bakers town, and Shay's is based in a futuristic spaceship "supposedly" in the middle of space.

These stories could not be any more different, but they intertwine to become very similar in the end. Although both Shay's Story, and Vella's story are the same length Vella's story seems longer due to the amount of places you can travel such as a city in the clouds, or a town by the beach. In Shay's it seems relatively shorter because everything is in one place. They are both glorious adventures with intriguing story lines. Although it is very difficult to get the townsfolk in Vella's story to help you out, as the main antagonist of her story is the most feared, and loved creature to them, so anyone you ask will probably be too scared, or think that the antagonist is a god, and scold you for thinking about fighting him. 

With the end approaching between the two stories there are little hints of things that happen in both stories, although in different ways. When these things happen if you look back, and think you can see how they fit together, and start coming up with guesses on how the story ends. There are some ways you can trick people until helping you or interact with them in some way to get you something you need. There are also several celebrity actors who voiced characters in this game. Which is a fun pass time wondering who voices who when you are listening to the random banter that everyone says. This is an amazing, and funny game for anyone who would like to play it.

Want to check out their website? It would be located HERE.
Would you like to download this game off of SteamPowered? If so check it out HERE.

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