Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Can Mario Kart 8 Save The Wii U?

With Wii U Sales Dropping is there hope for Nintendo? With a Mere 6.3 Million Wii U's sold Mario Kart 8 might be the thing to save them. Mario Kart Wii Sold 35 million, and Mario Kart 7 Sold 8 million. If Mario Kart 8 won't convince more people to buy a Wii U, what will? After Mario Kart 8, only one big expecting game is going to be Super Smash Bros U, but Nintendo claims to be planning a string of upcoming games that will be previewed in the E3 Expo. Will Mario Kart 8 be able so save Nintendo? In My opinion It might. 

There are probably millions of dedicated mario-karters out there who have not bought the Wii U yet. Once word gets out that Mario Kart 8 is coming around the corner for the Wii U im sure sales will go to about.... another 2 million. That should be high enough for Nintendo to turn things around. If Wii U sales don't change soon Nintendo will have to move on to another project. Im sure things will go the way they planned. With the new ability to drive on walls, and ceilings in the new Mario Kart.  Mario Kart 8 will bring Nintendo the sales they need. Then they can move on and create new, better games for the Wii U. Possibly even use the sales they got from the Wii U to make something even better.  

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